Embryo egg bowl

I had the thought to make an egg basket or holder that references the stages of life within an egg as its developing. Humans (tend to) only eat the first unfertilized stage of an egg, but I wanted to make something that reminds you of something, like the missed potential of a life or appreciation of where the egg comes from.

I put circles from the cane I made on top a slab, but I decided I wanted to show the pattern on both sides. So I made two of these slabs, stacked them on top each other (plain sides touching) to make one slab with patterns on either side.

I put it on a plaster hump and while it was drying I made a paper model to imagine the foot of the bowl.

I used a smooth stone to burnish the surface while it was leatherhard.

Referencing other egg bowls and vaguely inspired by chicken footstep imprints, I cut out shapes to make the bowl more airy without disturbing the look of the pattern too much,


Nerikomi duck making


Experimenting with forms in handbuilt nerikomi