Memorial Garden - Thoughts about what it should ‘be about’
This is a post that is sort of intentionally hard to read because it involves thoughts a bit too personal, but ultimately is leading to a lot of early conceptual decisions about what I want the end result of this memorial to be. I ranted/scribbled in my physical journal about my thoughts connecting this research paper about UK organ donation and my own experiences & outcome wishes for this project, scanning it and putting it here:
TLDR, (or more likely TmessyDR) I’m pushing against the idea that this memorial should “promote” organ donation, I only want to address - as per this paper - that the only purposes of this project should be 1. honoring the lives of those who donated 2. telling people they need to make a decision on whether they should be an organ donor.
My main concern is that this comes across, especially at a hospital, as something to urge families to donate their relative isn’t appropriate, and if someone has already made a decision to not donate, leave it be; and the more the project focuses on “promotion” the less appropriate it is.
Other than this, I haven’t made a lot of progress other than collecting images of statues/etc I like, because I couldn’t start to make anything until I resolve this.