Dogtooth Dogbowl #2, Forming nerikomi plates

Earlier, I made a series of small guinea pigs which make a stop motion animation. I’ve let them dry out so they’re easier to sculpt.

I scraped out the white clay of the sculpture and replace it with orange clay to create the fur / color pattern.

I simply draped the nerikomi slab I made over a small circular wooden form, let it try, and scraped it with a metal rib to show the pattern.

While waiting for the plates to dry out, I started to copy a dogtooth pattern I saw someone make with polymer clay with pottery clay.

It looks like this after they’re put together, and later they’ll be rolled out into a slab and let rest.

I test how the incense sticks look in their mouth, keeping in mind that the final piece will shrink, after slipping and scoring them onto the plates.


Fire half-plates, animated cups


Flower, leaves, and sculptural nerikomi